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11 Best Ways to Introduce Yourself Over Email

From using context-sensitive humor to providing value without pressure, here are 11 answers to the question, "What tips do you have for effectively introducing yourself over email?"

  • Use Context-Sensitive Humor

  • Use a Storytelling Approach in Your Introduction

  • Keep the Subject Line Short and Sweet

  • Add a Call to Action

  • Your Email Should Focus On the Recipient Not Yourself

  • Keep It Short

  • Cultural Context Matters When Introducing Yourself

  • Research Your Recipient, Connecting Your Story to Theirs

  • Use Bullet Points to Make It Punchy

  • Remind the Recipient of Your Previous Point of Contact

  • Provide Value Without Pressuring Them

Use Context-Sensitive Humor

Introducing yourself over email can be tricky, but there are some tactics you can use to make sure it goes over smoothly. One helpful tip is to use humor that is context-sensitive by being related to your recipient - consider what common interests or experiences you might have, and weave a bit of humor into your introduction that reflects those shared elements. Humor helps break the ice in a way that feels light and familiar, allowing both parties to relax while they get to know one another. Use humor the right way and it will leave a strong first impression!

Natalia Brzezinska, Marketing and Outreach Manager, UK Passport Photo

Use a Storytelling Approach in Your Introduction

Stories are an effective way to connect with others and make your message more relatable and memorable. In your email, share a short story or a real-life example that relates to your business or the product/service you are offering; this will help to capture the recipient's attention and make them more likely to be interested in what you have to say. Remember to keep your email concise, and include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages the recipient to take the next step.

Ilija Sekulov, Marketing and SEO, Mailbutler

Keep the Subject Line Short and Sweet

One tip for effectively introducing yourself over email is to keep your subject line short and to the point. It should be informative, but not overly long or complicated. Use a simple phrase that will quickly let the recipient know what the email is about, such as "Introduction - Your Name Here." Make sure you provide enough information so that they can understand why you are contacting them.

Additionally, in the body of the email, be sure to clearly introduce yourself and explain why you are reaching out. If possible, provide a brief background on yourself and your interests or experiences that may be relevant to the conversation. Finally, try to end the email with a call to action such as asking for a response or providing a contact number so they can easily reach out.

By following these simple steps, you will have effectively introduced yourself to the recipient and have a better chance of getting a reply.

Amira Irfan, Founder and CEO, A Self Guru

Add a Call to Action

When introducing yourself over email, including a clear call-to-action can establish the following steps and make a lasting impression. For example, suggest a meeting or phone call, invite members to connect on LinkedIn, or request additional information. By providing a specific action for the recipient to take, you are making it easy for them to engage with you and showing that you value their time.

Keep your introduction brief, highlighting your relevant experience and skills and providing context for why you are reaching out. Use a professional tone, proofread your message, and include a signature with your contact information. Remember to keep it simple, clear, and direct to make a lasting impression.

Amy Adlerstein, Senior Retention Marketing Manager, Canvas People

Your Email Should Focus On the Recipient Not Yourself

The inclination for most people when they write an introduction email is to talk about themselves or their business, but your concentration should always be on the recipient. After the formal introduction of your name and business, your strategy should be to grab the recipient's interest through admiration and by demonstrating your understanding of their pain points and needs.

Complimenting them and their business, mentioning specific accomplishments that you admire, transitioning to potential pain points they may be experiencing, and finally showcasing possible solutions, keeps the focus on the recipient and their needs rather than on your offerings.

By using your introduction email to primarily focus on the recipient's needs rather than yourself and your business, you will gain their attention and make your outreach more effective.

Alexandre Bocquet, Founder and CEO, Betterly

Keep It Short

Keep it short. No one reads more than the first paragraph. You have 10 seconds, make it count. People are busy, and most have a fundamental dislike of email, especially from strangers. They don't like fake friendliness or cheesy introductions that list every possible reason why they may want to interact with you. State who you are, what you or your company does, and what you want from them. If possible, include the value of their interacting with you in just a few words.

Eric Miller, Co-owner and Principal, PADT, Inc

Cultural Context Matters When Introducing Yourself

From an anthropological perspective, one tip for effectively introducing yourself over email is to consider the individual and the organizational culture and communication norms within the recipient's company.

By understanding the cultural context in which the recipient operates and aligning your language and communication style with their values and beliefs, you can create a sense of shared understanding and connection. This can include utilizing language and communication styles that resonate with the recipient, highlighting shared values or common experiences, and adapting your message to fit their needs and interests.

By taking into account the recipient's cultural context and personal values, you can create an introduction that effectively communicates your unique value proposition and establishes a strong connection.

Matt Artz, Business Anthropologist, Matt Artz

Research Your Recipient, Connecting Your Story to Theirs

Everyone is busy today, either productively or leisurely, on Netflix. Key decision-makers are even busier and have minimal tolerance for emails from strangers (which inevitably you are before introducing yourself). Commonly, these senior executives don't have the stomach to even go through your introduction.

To retain their attention (and keep them from quickly adding you to their spam folder), tell them something unique about themselves that shows a bit of acquaintance. Is there a fascinating project, research, or event they engaged in? If yes, start your introduction from there and connect your story to their story. This makes you less "foreign" and triggers interest in your recipient to learn about you.

With their interest piqued, they likely now have the stomach to go through your introduction. I wouldn't advise you to jump on senior executives with a direct introduction (without showing them you know them a bit) unless you have done some pretty heroic stuff in life.

Use Bullet Points to Make It Punchy

You can effectively introduce yourself via email by providing some short bullet points. After you have said hello and given a one-line synopsis to open up the email, you can quickly dive into some bullet points to catch their attention, make the most of their time, and make the email a bit more punchy.

Consider doing something like this: Hi there, Shaun here, a candidate for your open position and I thought it might be nice to introduce myself personally:

  • I live in Texas but am able to work remotely effectively and maintain high levels of productivity.

  • I'm a recent university graduate with an interest in gaining experience.

  • I have completed a few job placements and have a bit of experience.

  • I'm hungry to learn and eager to grow as a professional.

Something like this can appear a bit more punchy and it allows you to get to the point much more quickly. I like to use this method when introducing myself and sending long emails to busy people. Try it out!

Remind the Recipient of Your Previous Point of Contact

We are more open to opening emails, reading them, and performing the requested action if we know who sent them. A technique I ask businesses to employ when doing their email marketing and looking for the best way to introduce themselves is to remind the recipient of their previous point of contact. This could be the social media page where they first asked for their email or a landing page where they shared their information. This familiarity makes the recipient want to follow through to the end of your email, provided you use compelling copy that keeps them interested in your message.

Alvin Wei, Co-founder and CMO, SEOAnt

Provide Value Without Pressuring Them

Provide value and how your proposal would benefit them. Everyone gets so many emails that dangle a vague offer and require a sales call to learn more. Unless they're familiar with your company or desperately need your offer, making the next step a call will make many hesitate. Make it easy for them by providing relevant links to your website or offering to email them more information. Show them it's worth investing their time to discuss it further.


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